"Very soon, filmmakers won't necessarily need to go through movie studios in order to make a film. Everything they will need can be fitted into a briefcase" - from one of the greatest directors ever FRANCIS FORD COPPOLA, and he said this back in the 1970's.
"I love how our society uses this great technology for stupid purposes. We should create. Case in point, on-demand-movies or pay-per-view movies at your fingertips. This is a call for all filmmakers or videomakers to get off your asses and get out from the streets and be creative. Seize the moment and master the outcome" - from James D. Watkins.
I have sooo much work that I store them in 2 storage places; in New York and in Central Florida. I grew up in the VCR AGE so I named my video component VCR THEATRE and it's where I will show 'shorts' and sell online videos of my work. Currently I have video-movies for sale at the below links and below is a music promo titled LIMITED EDITION which uses the songBRING ME TO LIFE by the group EVANESCENCE. To see free short videos and promos go to my YOUTUBE channel which is; www.youtube.com/user/securityg/videos. My XTV plays in Rochester, N.Y. with a viewership of over 60,000 people; www.rctv15.org.
Also below are photos of just two of the actors/models that are cast in my video-movies. They are, respectively, Brittney M. Smith and to her right is the 1 minute promo for my upcoming superhero series called PROJECT; ASCEND/ASCENT. Brittney's mother, Teresa P. Smith happens to be one of my investors. Below her is Ranila Miyuand to her right you will see the 1 minute promo for the video-movie TEDDY. My pay-per-view links are directly below, but, before that, here is some upcoming video-movie ideas I have that I hope to finish before I die - SNIFFING CRACK ( A comedy),UNBOWELLABLE, BEAUTY QUEEN, COLOR BLIND, NEWTON'S EQUATION, THE MAZE OF MICHELANGELO,MICHAEL - THE MAGNIFICENT VAMPIRE, THE MASTURBATOR, CHILDREN OF THE ILLUMINATI,ORION's GOD, ect.
PAY-PER-VIEW movies on sale at these direct links;
Model, actress and a very good friend of mine, BRITTNEY SMITH. Brittney stars in the 1 minute video-promo for PROJECT; ASCEND/ASCENT and you can view it for free and it's to your right. ENJOY!
Ranila Miyu; LA actress and model. She stars in my TEDDY video-movie and the 1 minute promo is to your right.
ODYSSEY WORKS, ECLIPSE ENTERPRISES & PHOENIX PRODUCTIONS - Business Classification; Sole Proprietorship. Registered as a D.B.A. (Doing Business As) in the state of New York.
PRINCIPAL INVESTORS; Mr. & Mrs. Watkins, Ms. Wilson, Mrs.Teresa P. Smith, Mr. John T. Smith, Mrs. Masih-Das, Moses A. Watkins(founder and owner of SOUND ENHANCERZ), and several 'Silent' investors.
PHOENIX PRODUCTIONS consist of the following entities;
Theater, video, comic books, illusion/magic shows, puppetry, Art Gallery Shows, Theme Park, ARTXPO, DoD, ILLUSION THEATRE & RENAISSANCE THEATRE. (to invest please contact the chairman)