"I think this guy is brilliant. If he had the support and funds he could alter the landscape of entertainment"
- from radio-host SBK from the top-rated radio show in central Florida (www.sbklive.com) and he is referencing artist James D. Watkins
(there are only 9 links above)
I, James D. Watkins, won a film/video contest that was sponsored by www.sbklive.com, VIRGIN AIRLINES & DREAMWORKS PICTURES.
| A 2-dimensional artistic piece titled 'BREATHING ART INTO LIFE' by artist J.D. Watkins will be on display at the OCOEE CENTRAL HOSPITAL in central Florida through the month of August as part of 60 years of Health. Many thanks goes to Lauren Norman, Senior Events Coordinator.
| This PHOENIX PRODUCTIONS website will be
available for mobile devices by July 30, 2012.
(Producer's note; All work listed is either Copyrighted, Trademarked, Patented and created by PHOENIX PRODUCTIONS and James D. Watkins unless otherwise noted)
The talent that are posted within these website pages have their own websites or products/services. Those belong to the appropriate talent or individuals. If you have any questions on their products/services you need to contact them directly. They are responsible for their products/services. Now, go to the links above to experience WORKS OF WONDER.
CONTACT INFORMATION; to inquire on product or projects or just want free information, here is the contact information; PHOENIX PRODUCTIONS, P.O. Box 1463, Orlando, Florida 32802. Emails are; phoe@phnxproductions.com, phoenix@phnxproductions.com, areyougifted@hotmail.com and strvarts1@yahoo.com.
- (Steve Schneider is a film/theatre critic for the ORLANDO WEEKLY - www.orlandoweekly.com. He now does critiquing work in New York as well as Florida. He has been voted 'Best' Critic and journalist in Orlando, Florida. Here is his critique of my work..........)
"Having witnessed his work firsthand, I suspect James D. Watkins may be a genius of some shape or magnitude. Just try to forget that that endorsement comes from a guy who voted for Mondale and DuKakis, gave 'Death to Smoochy' four stars and genuinely preferred New Coke. An old-school impresario in the mold of Ziegfeld or Welles-albeit one spared the crippling handicaps of funding or common sense......"
"When I am gone, they will love me" - quote from Orson Welles right before he died and who also directed what many consider the greatest film ever 'CITIZEN KANE'.
ODYSSEY WORKS, ECLIPSE ENTERPRISES & PHOENIX PRODUCTIONS - Business Classification; Sole Proprietorship. Registered as a D.B.A. (Doing Business As) in the state of New York.
PRINCIPAL INVESTORS; Mr. & Mrs. Watkins, Ms. Wilson, Mrs.Teresa P. Smith, Mr. John T. Smith, Mrs. Masih-Das, Moses A. Watkins(founder and owner of SOUND ENHANCERZ), and several 'Silent' investors.
PHOENIX PRODUCTIONS consist of the following entities;
Theater, video, comic books, illusion/magic shows, puppetry, Art Gallery Shows, Theme Park, ARTXPO, DoD, ILLUSION THEATRE & RENAISSANCE THEATRE. (to invest please contact the chairman)
"It wasn't until he was at the end of his life that he finally realized not WHO he was but WHAT he was"
- this is an unknown quote about the life and death of WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART