What is it with this need to be 'liked' or 'accepted'? What ever happened to being different and thinking outside the box? With the advent of social media and social networks, not only are the masses able to profess and promote their medocrity but now they are pressuring artists that they somehow must be 'liked' in order to fit in. So pathetic and so lame.
Since 93% of social media and social networks are a waste and everybody wants to broadcast their unimportant details, it's no wonder then that this feeling of being 'liked' is prevailing. You know what happens when everybody 'likes' you? You become safe, normal, average,plain, harmless and mediocre.
Everybody wants so many followers on their social networks platform but those people give no thought on what they are offering to the people who follow them, i.e; what about ideas, concepts, different strategies for networking, bridging the gap between cultures by developing a cultural language, implenting devices that would solve world hunger and abuse. Oh, noooooo, we use social media to hook-up, promote our shopping habits, what club we will get drunk in tonight. So, do you still want people to 'like' you or would you rather make a REAL difference and could care less if people like you or not? - J.D. WATKINS