Before I begin I must apologize in advance to my Mommy and Daddy for my predetermined harsh and ruthless behavior. I can become quite vile in my verbal attacks but I am never physical. I can become part HOWARD STERN and part EMINEM when it comes to verbal attacks and I have a 'no mercy' policy when it involves dumbasses. THE DUMBASS EFFECT has been created by myself to spotlight those who I deem are truly first-class dumbasses. Be it models, actors, administrators or clergymen, I will at times call you out by name under THE DUMBASS EFFECT section. Do you really think I care about 'burning bridges'? NO. I build my own bridge and I can't associate with first-class dumbasses anyway. With all that I am able to do I try to be cordial, polite, professional, sincere, humbled, nice and dependable but I come across those who can't appreciate all that I am and that's when my tongue becomes a sword and I will draw blood such as the below incidents.
First up is this 'model' who doesn't know how to respond to potential job offers and then this idiot-model actually have the nerve to call me a 'PHYSCO'. That's right, that's how this idiot-model spelled PSYCHO. She spelled it PHYSCO. You see, this is how dumbasses who think they are famous or infamous act. All I ask is that if you attempt to insult me, please learn how to spell correctly. Mind you, I know our society loves to party and this next generation scares the hell out of me because they seem to not have any common decency when it comes to their future. It's one thing to unwind but it's another to do nothing but drink, party, drink, party all the time. Where's the growth? These same DUMBASSES also can't understand email marketing and promotions. They hate receiving promotional emails but yet these same DUMBASSES look at liquor promotions, bar and club promotions and any other useless promotions. If I was rich and famous these same DUMBASSES who hate receiving promotional material would then love me for it. DUMBASSES abound. Yes, I know I am a little sick in the head and somewhat obsessive and that get's myself into more trouble than I care to have, but at least I don't waste my youth in the streets night after night. I don't destroy my reputation in the streets. Believe me, I can destroy it in other ways.
Now, here comes two DUMBSSES. Zachary Larez and Tim Anderson. Both of them claim to be 'actors' or a 'filmmaker' but all they have achieved is to become my MAN-BITCH. Let's start with Zachary. This DUMBASS made a comment on one of my video-movies to one of my actors and word got back to me on what he said. Well, being the professional that I am, I attempted to answer or solve any issues he had with my video-movie. He never responded back to my inquiries on his issues. I don't take to kindly to that. I then found out that this acting 'genius' moved to the Acting Capital of the world; ARIZONA. That's right. This DUMBASS has great acting ability and he went to ARIZONA to spread his great, mediocrity across the country. Instead of confronting myself about his comments on my video-movie, he ran to ARIZONA to 'act'. SUPER DUMBASS.
Then we have the next MAN-BITCH, Tim Anderson. At one time this DUMBASS was a host for a filmslam competition in Orlando, Florida. He took over that duty after his friend reliquished hosting duties to him. No wonder, Tim Anderson displays no charisma, no good interviewing skills and seems stiff like a corpse. In fact, a corpse might have done a more admirable job than Tim Anderson. But that is not what makes him part of my DUMBASS PEOPLE EFFECT. Oh, no,'s the way Tim Anderson handles and deals with marketing and promotion. You would think that since he is in charge of a film competition that he would understand and be an advocate of guerilla marketing but this DUMBASS doesn't. He wants to promote and market the filmslam competition but this DUMBASS doesn't like other people promoting and marketing their own work. It's people like him that loves every Hollywood gimmick that comes out, i.e.; 3D glasses, different smart phones but yet, when independent producers try to promote and market their works, he doesn't like.
Then we have GENERATION DUMBASSES. These DUMBASSES parade and take great pride in their non-existent creative life and they take great pride in their nightlife activities. They utilize these technology gadgets but yet they seem to not comprehend that they should be smarter than their smart phone and not the other way around. I have seen a many 'models' or 'actors' who brag about their latest technology toy but when it comes to scheduling or writing down details, these DUMBASSES don't have a clue on what to do. But don't worry, when it comes to attending the latest club or bar event, they are there. When it comes to hooking up with some bar or club skank, they will be there. DUMBASSES abound. NEWSFLASH - having illicit sex and having the latest gadgets does not make one an adult and that's part of the problem today. These DUMBASSES get some ass and all of sudden they think they are grown. Pathetic and dumb.
I'm not only inspired by life to create but I am also inspired by DUMBASS PEOPLE. Case in point; MIND, POWER & MAGIC is an illusion show I created that centers around the great inventors, scientists and artists in our time. It is an expensive and detailed show. I had performed 2 other magic shows for the Orange County Library System in Orlando, Florida some years ago and I was going to perform MIND, POWER & MAGIC for them 2 years ago BUT ignorance reard its ugly head. In one of those FREE magic shows I performed, I made the candy M&M's appear from an empty cup and the children wanted to eat them. I let them but apparently one little girl was allergic to peanuts and she became sick. The program coordinator, HEATHER PIPPIN, became upset that the little girl became sick. HOW THE HELL was I supposed to know if she was allergic to peanuts? Her grandmother was sitting next to her and let her eat those M&M's. So that's one DUMBASS. Heather Pippin did not handle the situation correctly and I let her know and the board of directors know. That's two DUMBASSES. Then Debbie Moss, who also works with the Orange County Library System became frightened by one of my webstories called Mr. Valentine which is about a serial killer who kills only on Valentine's Day. You know what this 3rd DUMBASS did, she petitioned for me to be banned from the Library. Fascinating, isn't it? I create an illusion show that centers around smart and genius people and here I am dealing with these DUMBASS PEOPLE. Fascinating!! Now, go down and enjoy two free promos for my illusion show called MIND, POWER & MAGIC. It will be performed again.....stay tuned...