VCR THEATRE is my online video display of 'shorts' I created. I named it VCR THEATRE because I grew up in the VCR age. Some of the 'shorts' will be free to view while others will be at a pay-per-view site. My work is stored in 2 places; Upstate New York and another storage place in Central Florida. I simply do not have enough capital to fund all that I created so that's why I created VCR THEATRE so you can get a small 'taste' of what I am. Go through the links above and below and there are some 'short' video-promos posted at some of those links and at At the 'INVEST/WHAT'S UP/PIPELINE link there are photos of whose in other videos I have. These short videos are free to view so enjoy.... . . (......there is no other))
'There's nothing new under the sun'. You've heard of that saying, right? It might be true. Nickelodeon was a device used to view 'shorts' or 'mini-movies' back in the early 1900's. Thomas Edison, George Melies, Henry and John Harris all used it to show-off their films. Magicians such as George Melies used it to combine his love of magic and his love of film. Here's how it worked; the patron/customer would drop a nickel into a viewing machine and view the movie, hence the term Nickelodeon. Fast-forward to today and you have your personal listening and viewing devices. People download the product and view it at their leisure. Much like the Nickelodeon of days gone.
MAGIC VIEW is a similiar take on the Nickelodeon concept. I create, plan and execute magical effects and they will only be available at my pay-per-view or video-on-demand website which is below and the contents of MAGIC VIEW will also be listed below very soon........
(Director's note; due to video and size compressions some videos may appear a little fuzzy)
My pay-per-view or v.o.d. (video on demand) videos will distribute through;