"Resolute imagination is the beginning of all magical operations" - from Philospher Paracelsus
In Paris in 1895 at the Grand Cafe, two brothers, Auguste & Louis Lumiere premiered the first ever moving pictures. From there evolved the art of cinematography, moviemaking and film. From that inception evolved different techniques, trades, crafts and methods of projecting and exhibiting moving pictures and part of that growth was the incorporation of film into the live theatrical experience. ILLUSION THEATRE is where I perform different magical effects derived from the masters of old. There are many types of magicians. There are the comedic ones, the flamboyant ones, the goth and dark ones and then you have the straight-forward ones. Underneath them all and behind the scenes are the 'misfits of magic'. The misfits cannot be seen or heard. They perform magic such as penetration, escapes, mind-reading, etc. 'THE MISFITS OF MAGIC' is an intimate magic show and is rated-G. This live magic show/demonstration is approximately 40 minutes. Details for the next showing are below as well as the magical assistant and a 3 minute video-promo;
July 11th, 2014(friday) - StaySky Suites, 7601 Canada Avenue, Orlando, Florida. This is a 'suite-showing' which means the performances will be done in an intimate hotel-suite with limited seating for each performance. Ads will be heard on WPRK Rollins College radio station. Produced by ILLUSION THEATRE & PHOENIX PLAYGROUND THEATRE.
Showtimes are 8pm & 9:30pm - Tickets are; $18.00 - to order call the PHOENIX TICKETLINE at; 407-761-8352 or use the PAYPAL button at the bottom of this link.
This is an intimate and limited seating performance.
The 3 minute promo where a deck of cards disappear into thin-air is below on either my YOUTUBE channel or via the WINDOWS MEDIA icon or at the very bottom.
Here are the links to my AMAZON video store, my VOD video-movies and my official YOUTUBE channel;