Before I begin I must apologize in advance to my Mommy and Daddy for my predetermined harsh and ruthless behavior. I can become part HOWARD STERN and part EMINEM when it comes to verbal attacks and I have a 'no mercy' policy when it involves dumbasses. THE DUMBASS EFFECT has been created by myself to spotlight those who I deem are truly first-class dumbasses. Be it models, actors, administrators or clergymen, I will at times call you out by name under THE DUMBASS EFFECT section. Do you really think I care about 'burning bridges'? NO. I build my own bridge and I can't associate with first-class dumbasses anyway. With all that I am able to do I try to be cordial, polite, professional, sincere, humbled, nice and dependable but I come across those who can't appreciate all that I am and that's when my tongue becomes a sword and I will draw blood such as the below incident details.
Many people ask myself, 'Why are you so fiercely independent? Why don't you go work for a Hollywood studio?' I'm about to give you an example on why I love my independence. Sometime ago I developed, created and performed 2 different magic shows for the ORANGE COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM in Orlando, Florida and they were titled 'THE MAGICAL JOURNEY' and 'MISFITS OF MAGIC'. Mind you, I was asked to perform my creations for FREE because the ORANGE COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM Kids department apparently didn't have a performance budget. The 1st original magic show went off with no problems at all. The second magic show I took an empty styrofoam cup and made M&M's come out of it. I offered them to those that wanted some. The kids loved it and those who wanted some I gave it to them. A little girl started vomitting and the show had to be cut short because that little girl had an allergic reaction to peanuts BUT her grandmother sat right beside her and watched her eat those M&M's and she didn't say anything. Afterwards the coordinator for the Kid's Department, Heather Pippin, informed myself that some of the parents thought some of my humor and magic tricks were a little too much for their kids and didn't appreciate it. That was very strange because after the short show many other parents approached myself and wanted to know more about me and my company. Heather Pippin didn't provide myself with those parents who actually complained or any other details. It's in the way how you do things. Heather Pippin didn't approach the situation correctly and remember, I created these shows for FREE. This is why children grow up to be either idiots, morons or just dumbasses. They grow up to become soft, pathetic and non-adventurous and its due from their parents and other authoritave figures. Why do you think our society is in the shape it's in now, it's from THE DUMBASS EFFECT.
MIND, POWER & MAGIC is an illusion show that was designed to 'EDUCATE', 'ENTERTAIN' and 'ENLIGHTEN' by putting my illusions to the works of MOZART, GALILEO, TELSA and others. I am scheduled to perform MIND, POWER & MAGIC for the NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY; SCIENCE, INDUSTRY & BUSINESS LIBRARY very soon and you know what? I was supposed to perform this same show for the ORANGE COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM in Orlando in 2007 but due to the above DUMBASS EFFECT it was canceled. I will always associate IGNORANCE IN THE BOWELS OF KNOWLEDGE with the posting and listing of 'MIND, POWER & MAGIC' everytime I perform because it actually shows the exact opposite of using your brains, ideas and exectuing courage in the midst of IGNORANCE.
(look above for the official poster and 2 short commercials for 'MIND, POWER & MAGIC')