FA11(fall 2011)
- If you noticed, I have streamlined my operations and therefore have limited the above links to only 4. I can easily list 26 more links and all of those 26 links would contain completely different artistic and creative work from myself but I am learning restraint-
Listen to J.D. Watkins every Monday at 10pm eastern time on THE top-rated radio show; SBK LIVE RADIO for his book review. WTKS 104.1fm in Orlando, Florida. www.sbklive.com & www.sbklivenation.com
THE DISAPPEARANCE OF NEW YORK radio ads is scheduled to be on the HOWARD STERN 100 SIRIUS XM SATELLITE RADIO in the fall of 2011. If you wish to order a FREE copy of this illusion-video just send $5 for the postage and handling to the mailing address below or simply use the PAYPAL button next to the official 2 minute promo which is below. It is rated PG and the running time is approximately 40 minutes. Towards the bottom of this page is the official 2 minute video-promo for it. |
Coming FA11 (Fall 2011) - Genevieve Chanelle; she will be a feature character called 'STEALTH' in the LIMITED EDITION video-series. She is courteous of; www.prestigiousmodels.com. Her website is; www.genevieve-chanelle.com. Soon.... |
Coming FA11(fall 2011) - Aaron, Moses, John The Baptist, David, Samson, Michael & Gabriel are THE SUPREME DISCIPLES. People from the bible transformed into superheroes and supervillains! Comic book and video release date is September 30, 2011 worldwide through this website and PHOENIX PRODUCTIONS and through www.amazon.com & www.createspace.com. There will be a special t.v. event in ROCHESTER, N.Y. on Channel 15 starting in September. Video-promos and music video are coming....Drawings by; J.D. WATKINS. |
FA11(fall 2011). The official flyer for the video-series PROJECT; ASCEND/ASCENT. It is about man-made heroes. It was inspired by the now defunct television show 'HEROES'. It will be available thru pay-per-view and direct-mail. The promo and details are coming..FA11 (fall 2011). |
THE ILLUSION OF FASHION is a show created by James D. Watkins that is about magic, illusion and being materialistic. It was last performed in Miami, Florida in 2010. It will be performing again. Directly below are the two video-promos for this live show.
INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES; James D. Watkins is unlike any living artist you have known. His companies; ODYSSEY WORKS, ECLIPSE ENTERPRISES & PHOENIX PRODUCTIONS are structured to be unlike any production company ever known. Investment and sponsorship opporunities is available for ODYSSEY WORKS, ECLIPSE ENTERPRISES & PHOENIX PRODUCTIONS. A person can invest in the company as a whole or in a specific product/project. Such as; OFF-OFF BROADWAY production (THE MUSIC OF EDEN), Touring illusion shows (ILLUSION THEATRE), Video-movies (THE ETERNAL-coming October 25, 2011), pay-per-view movies; (http://vod.com/video/184720/Victor-Voyeur/), My concept on a certain theme-park and promotional ads on THE LATE SHOW WITH DAVID LETTERMAN, a spot before the movie; SUPERMAN; MAN OF STEEL & on the HOWARD STERN 100 SIRIUS XM SATELLITE RADIO, this link has all the required details; http://www.phnxproductions.com/investpipelinesylar.html.
Congratulations goes to the only radio-team that matters in Central Florida, SBK LIVE RADIO (www.sbkliveradio.com). Much props goes to Angel, Cabinboy and Kevin(SBK) for being not just entertaining and becoming the number one night show in Central Florida but also being brilliant in execution. My artistic powers are at these gentlemen's disposal.
He is my greatest nemesis and my most dearest friend,...he is Timothy L. Terrell and he is the creator of www.thoomcast.blogspot.com which is a podcast of social commentary and review of society and society's fads. Whenever he interviews myself we both are mean, racist, sexist, mean, rude, crude, dumb, stupid, crazy, disgruntled and above all we have fun. He was in SPIDERMAN 2 and currently resides in Los Angeles, California.
(Producer's note; All work listed is either Copyrighted, Trademarked, Patented and created by PHOENIX PRODUCTIONS and James D. Watkins unless otherwise noted).
(The talent that are posted within these website pages have their own websites or products. Those belong to the appropriate talent or individuals. If you have any questions on their products/services you need to contact them directly. They are responsible for their products/services. Now, go to the above links to experience 'WORKS OF WONDER'.
CONTACT INFORMATION; to inquire on product or projects or just want free information, here is the contact information; PHOENIX PRODUCTIONS, P.O. Box 1463, Orlando, Florida 32802. Emails are; phoe@phnxproductions.com, phoenix@phnxproductions.com, areyougifted@hotmail.com and strvarts1@yahoo.com.
'Myspace identity'; www.myspace.com/artisticevolution. 'Youtube identity'; www.youtube.com/securityg
- (Steve Schneider is a film/theatre critic for the ORLANDO WEEKLY - www.orlandoweekly.com. He now does critiquing work in New York as well as Florida. He has been voted 'Best' Critic and journalist in Orlando, Florida. Here is his critique of my work..........)
"Having witnessed his work firsthand, I suspect James D. Watkins may be a genius of some shape or magnitude. Just try to forget that that endorsement comes from a guy who voted for Mondale and DuKakis, gave 'Death to Smoochy' four stars and genuinely preferred New Coke. An old-school impresario in the mold of Ziegfeld or Welles-albeit one spared the crippling handicaps of funding or common sense......"
"When I am gone, they will love me" - quote from Orson Welles right before he died and who also directed what many consider the greatest film ever 'CITIZEN KANE'.
"WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART was so much more than opera, such a total musical genius, creator of so many different kinds of music that he is excluded from a head-to-head assessment to anyone".
- from the book CLASSICAL MUSIC; THE 50 GREATEST COMPOSERS & THEIR WORK -by the author Phil G. Goulding