(below is an essay on STEVE JOBS and how social media has turned stupid people into idiots. I was even arrested because 3 idiots actually thought I stalked and was plotting to kill a PLAYBOY PLAYMATE. After that is a letter I sent to the people at TWITTER and for those who hate receiving my emails, there is instructions for you to follow and once you follow those instructions you won't receive anymore emails from PHOENIX PRODUCTIONS)
My college professor said the word 'genius' is an overly abused word or term and he is right. Just look to the right and see STEVE JOBS. There is a difference between marketing prowess and pure, unadultered genius. Here is how I break down intelligence; There are smart people, very smart people, brilliant people, visionaries and those who operate on the genius level. People like STEVE JOBS fooled alot of people into thinking he worked at that rare level of genius. Read below......
- James D. Watkins
Steve Jobs; genius or just a good marketer? |
98.9% of you are just consumers masquerading as actors, filmmakers, writers and models. You don't have the slightest idea on how to approach, handle and conduct your business. It never ceases to amaze myself on how people view my 'work'. If it's too religious then it's too complicated or it's too much nudity???? WTF. I should take a page from Steve Jobs and simplify things because that's basically what he did at APPLE; he simplified its operations for the masses and in turn amassed a fortune.
You hate receiving any promotional and marketing emails and it is because it reflects back on what you are NOT doing yourself. But Steve Jobs positioned APPLE products to be MUST HAVE when it really wasn't a MUST HAVE but yet, most of you all took a bite out of his APPLE.
88% of you use an iPad, iPod, iPhone, etc. and you really believe Steve Jobs created them. WRONG ANSWER. He just knew how to market and promote them and yet here you are celebrating his 'work' while at the same time hating marketing and email promotions.
Walt Disney, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs all knew how to market and they necessarily didn't come up with all those 'creations'. In this society, one really needs marketing prowess more than talent.
I, on the other hand, am the ALPHA and OMEGA of all my work. I see my products from beginning to end.
So when you people say mundane things such as 'Please remove me from your mailing list'. I see you as a practical consumer who knows nothing about 'FULL CREATION & EXECUTION'. Steve Jobs would be upset with you.
p.s. do some research on NIKOLA TESLA and XEROX PARC (Palo Alto Research Center).
"My greatest fear is waking up in the morning and becoming normal, like YOU" - from James D. Watkins
Alot of you don't know the difference between promotion and spam or you just don't know how to do it. In this day and age, social networks and social media has fooled alot of you into thinking you are a 'CELEBRITY', 'FAMOUS' and you actually have talent and this is why the worship and popularity of reality t.v. stars is sickening and pathetic. You should use these social networks as a PLATFORM. You should use it as a means to an end. Don't you understand that you are like SHEEP and will go to the next social media outlet that comes out?
99.7% of you have nothing profound, important or interesting to say on your social media/networks page BUT yet, you think you are a CELEBRITY or a STAR just because you have a certain number of friends. Well guess what, 92% of those 'FRIENDS' just want to sleep with you or just are nosy. There are those that actually take great pride in the photos of their cars clothing, houses and even what nightlife they inhabit and it just makes you look so shallow and superficial. What you should promote with social media is your ability to create, your powers at engineering and innovations you create. You accept the hundreds of commercials from car manufacturers, liquor companies, nightclub openings and Hollywood films but you can't accept a simple, harmless email. Why? Is it because you have nothing to create, manufacture or promote yourself? Go ahead and live in the social media and social network illusion of 'celebrity-hood' and just remember this; Only the REAL artists will be remembered long after these social media/networks are gone.
(Do you know why I was arrested in 2012? Read below)
In 2012 three 'models' went to the Orange County Sheriff's department because they claim I was stalking and planning on killing a PLAYBOY PLAYMATE. These 3 idiot 'models' were jealous because I created a magical music-video called SMOOTH CRIMINAL, from Michael Jackson, and it is where a magician (I) kills a PLAYBOY PLAYMATE - MISS FEBRUARY 2006 CASSANDRA LYNN. Due to those claims I was actually arrested and guess what? ALL charges were dropped because the Judge and Prosecutor found out it was all FALSE and that I was creating a music-video. Ladies and gentlemen, here is why I was arrested, here is the 12 minute music-video SMOOTH CRIMINAL (the direct YOUTUBE link is below or just click on the movie icon directly below it and see it for yourself)
I was reluctant to acquire or join any social media because I could care less on what people are doing. There are way too many 'actors' and 'models' who think they are famous and powerful and these idiots populate social media. For an example, you have LISA MORALES, CLAUDA SAMPEDRO, NICOLE MEJIA, ANNILEY PEREZ, RALI ILANOVA,..., the list goes on and on and don't worry, I will be going into depth on their habits in a movie I wrote called M.I.A.M.I. (Moronic, Idiotic, Ass, Models, Incorporated). If I was going to use TWITTER then it would be only for promotion of my work and nothing else. I proceeded to promote my creation called ADRENALINE; the boy-hero and TWITTER suspended my account because of it. I wrote TWITTER and here is that open letter; I'm James D. Watkins, artistic director of PHOENIX PRODUCTIONS. My CLAUDEBOYHERO account was suspended recently for 'sending multiple unsolicicted messages'. I only had a few followers but that is not what is important to me, you want to know what is important to me? The quality of my creative ideas and how to bring it to the mass mediocre market. Now, TWITTER, is just another social media platform that MUST rely on advertising to sustain life. It is not like TWITTER actually has a product to sell. No, TWITTER is just a message board so people can see what other people are doing, much like that digital bulletin board called FACEBOOK.
Now, I was considering placing advertisements from my company on different regions of TWITTER but after TWITTER suspended my account for just promoting my artwork, I seriously doubt if I will be spending any money on TWITTER and I will probably use it like the other 96% of the population and just use if as a casual activity.
By the way, I see way more devious acts such as photos, verbal language and website links on TWITTER and those accounts have not been suspended. I will use TWITTER for my means until I get bored with it. Sincerely,
EMAIL & MAILING OPT-OUT BUTTON Since alot of you don't like reading creative email notices and mailings and would prefer to watch and worship reality t.v. individuals, I'm giving you the option of not receiving anymore emails and mails from PHOENIX PRODUCTIONS/JDW. All you have to do is either touch or kiss the photo of my ass to your right. Once you have done either just send me an email stating that you have touched OR kissed my ass and you will not receive anymore emails or mailings from PHOENIX PRODUCTIONS/JDW. Thank-you for your cooperation
If you wish to not receive anymore promotional emails and mailings from JDW/PHOENIX PRODUCTIONS then just scratch or kiss this photo of my ass. |