Our television could be a window into the world, OR, it could mean mankind's future DEATH!!! |
"This is pretty cool,....different....." - from DAN WINKLER, chief sales/marketing for the ORLANDO WEEKLY about the script-novelization called 'CANCELLATION' Part 1.
The story and script for the video-movie CANCELLATION - Part 1 was created by James D. Watkins and he has made available a script-novelization for CANCELLATION - Part 1. A script-novelization is a written story that has attributes from the main script but will contain entirely new and different elements pertaining to the main script.
'CANCELLATION - Part 1' is a short script-novelization about a certain type of 'smart' television sets. These 'smart' television sets are manufactured by a mysterious groups of beings. These 'smart' television sets not only gathers the television shows and programs you consume, but they make judgements on everything and every body. This product is below at the direct-link to view and download. Created & written by; J.D. Watkins and the copywriter and proof-reader is Valerie Gonzalez.
CANCELLATION Part 1 is now available to download to read for $1.50. Details are here;