(An imaginary conceptual concept)
The shadow of darkness has entered upon our land and it's bearer has been considered one of the most evil man in history: ALEISTER CROWLEY. This man and his darkness inhabits pure evil and it has a sinister intent to put the whole earth under a constant darkness. But there is a light; A wizardly light from THE electrical and technical wizard of our time: NIKOLA TESLA and only he can bring us the light, show us the light and lead us into the light.
This is an imaginary conceptual idea from James D. Watkins. ALEISTER CROWLEY (10/12/1875 - 12/1/1947) represents the occult and spiritualism and was once called 'The wickedest man in the world'. He practiced black magik and wanted to tap into an otherwordly subconscious. He lived by a creed: 'DO AS THOU WILST'. He had followers then and even unto this day. Some even call him an evil genius for his authorative books on the dark arts and black magik. He was revered and feared.
On the opposite end of the spectrum stood NIKOLA TESLA (7/10/1856 - 1/7/1943), the towering genius of the 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th,.........centuries (I think you get the point). This man's name is synonymous with the word 'GENIUS' - such as Mozart's, Newton, Da Vinci, Orson Welles and others. Tesla is considered to be one of the most fascinating human beings in all of creations and his dogged determination made and paved the way of electricity and how it transferred and distributed around the world (and maybe other places too). Tesla stands among the unique and because of his steely focus and determination, he was given the nickname of 'THE MAN OF STEEL' and for this fictional, imaginary concept it will take a man of steel to save humanity.
The premise is this; ALEISTER CROWLEY has devised a device to unleash evil unto all the world and only NIKOLA TESLA stands in his way with is array of inventions. This imaginary conceptual concept uses photos, graphics, in-camera movements, drawings, optical perspectives to creatively imagine this scenario where ALEISTER CROWLEY meets and versus NIKOLA TESLA. Also, there's a 5 minute music-video called 'SAVIOR' and it's theme song is by 30 Seconds from Mars. Two polar opposite minds on the opposite ends of the intellectual spectrum. This is 'THE GENIUS & THE DARKNESS: NIKOLA TESLA vs. ALEISTER CROWLEY. Created, written, drawn, directed and edited by; James D. Watkins. Produced by: ODYSSEY WORKS, ECLIPSE ENTERPRISES, PHOENIX PRODUCTIONS & VCR Theatre. This EXTREMELY EXCLUSIVE creation next showing availability is as follows;
(Due to a scheduling conflict, this video showing will either be showing on May 31, 2025 -OR- on June 7, 2025. Exact showing date will be posted by February 20, 2025) at HOLIDAY INN & SUITES USF BUSCH GARDENS - 2807 E. Busch Blvd., Tampa, Florida.807 E. Busch Blvd. Showing times are; 4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm, 8:00pm & 9:00pm. Tickets are: $14.00. Contact the PHOENIX TICKETLINE for tickets: 407-761-8352 -OR- Use the CASHAPP direct-link below to get tickets. There will be an additive showing of the magical music-video 'VORACIOUS - ANIMALS REDUX' and all ticket holders will receive a FREE copy of the Script-Novelization - 'CANCELLATION Part 1 & Part 2'. Created by; James D. Watkins and produced by; ODYSSEY WORKS - ECLIPSE ENTERPRISES - PHOENIX PRODUCTIONS & VCR THEATRE.
The review of this video-movie is below AND see the FREE 2 minute official trailer at the main link at the bottom of this page and just click on the below link below -OR- Copy & Paste it- enjoy it!!
"The Genius & The Darkness, is the germination of an idea presented in drawings and music.
The film conceives of a cataclysmic clash that may have occurred between the “Genius” Nikola Telsa and his “Dark” counterpart, Aleister Crowley. "…like a proof of concept of a much bigger story..."
from: FILM THREAT by Alan Ng